PHP 8.4.0 RC4 available for testing



(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

mysqli::rollback -- mysqli_rollbackMacht die aktuelle Transaktion rückgängig


Objektorientierter Stil

public mysqli::rollback(int $flags = 0, ?string $name = null): bool

Prozeduraler Stil

mysqli_rollback(mysqli $mysql, int $flags = 0, ?string $name = null): bool

Macht die aktuelle Transaktion für die Datenbank rückgängig.



Nur bei prozeduralem Aufruf: ein von mysqli_connect() oder mysqli_init() zurückgegebenes mysqli-Objekt.


Eine Bitmaske von MYSQLI_TRANS_COR_*-Konstanten


Falls angegeben, wird ROLLBACK/*name*/ ausgeführt


Gibt bei Erfolg true zurück. Bei einem Fehler wird false zurückgegeben.


If mysqli error reporting is enabled (MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR) and the requested operation fails, a warning is generated. If, in addition, the mode is set to MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT, a mysqli_sql_exception is thrown instead.


Version Beschreibung
8.0.0 name ist nun nullable (akzeptiert den null-Wert).


Siehe das mysqli::begin_transaction()-Beispiel.



Diese Funktion funktioniert nicht mit Tabellentypen, die keine Transaktionen unterstützen (wie MyISAM oder ISAM).

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

Steven McCoy
12 years ago
Remember that MyISAM tables do not support rollbacks.

I just drove myself crazy for an afternoon trying to figure out what was wrong with my code - meanwhile it was fine all along
Lorenzo - webmaster AT 4tour DOT it
15 years ago
This is an example to explain the powerful of the rollback and commit functions.
Let's suppose you want to be sure that all queries have to be executed without errors before writing data on the database.
Here's the code:

=true; // our control variable

//we make 4 inserts, the last one generates an error
//if at least one query returns an error we change our control variable
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO myCity (id) VALUES (100)") ? null : $all_query_ok=false;
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO myCity (id) VALUES (200)") ? null : $all_query_ok=false;
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO myCity (id) VALUES (300)") ? null : $all_query_ok=false;
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO myCity (id) VALUES (100)") ? null : $all_query_ok=false; //duplicated PRIMARY KEY VALUE

//now let's test our control variable
$all_query_ok ? $mysqli->commit() : $mysqli->rollback();


hope to be helpful!
Yorick Phoenix
1 year ago
If you use savepoints - eg savepoint($foo) - be wary of trying to rollback to the save point with rollback(0, $foo) as that executes "ROLLBACK /* $foo */" instead of "ROLLBACK TO `$foo`".

The manual page is clear about this, but is easily overlooked.

Instead use: $mysqli->query("ROLLBACK TO `$foo`");
xcalibur at xcalibur dot dk
14 years ago
Just a note about auto incremental ids and rollback.
When using transactions and inserting into a table containing a column with auto incremental ids, the id will be incremented even though the transaction is rolled back.

This might occupy a lot of ids if a lot of rollbacks are performed.

= new mysqli("localhost", "gugbageri", "gugbageri", "gugbageri");

/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

/* disable autocommit */

/* We just create a test table with one auto incremental primary column and a content column*/
$mysqli->query("CREATE TABLE TestTable ( `id_column` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `content` INT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `id_column` )) ENGINE = InnoDB;");

/* commit newly created table */

/* we insert a row */
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO TestTable (content) VALUES (99)");

/* we commit the inserted row */

/* we insert another three rows */
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO TestTable (content) VALUES (99)");
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO TestTable (content) VALUES (99)");
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO TestTable (content) VALUES (99)");

/* we the rollback */

/* we insert a row */
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO TestTable (content) VALUES (99)");

/* we commit the inserted row */

if (
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT id_column FROM TestTable")) {

$row = $result->fetch_row()) {
printf("Id: %d.\n", $row[0]);
/* Free result */

/* Drop table TestTable */
$mysqli->query("DROP TABLE TestTable");


This will output:
Id: 1.
Id: 5.
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