This will allow you to manipulate the thumbnail image ($imgJpeg) using the various gd commands:
if (($imgJpeg = exif_thumbnail($strImagePath)) === false)
print "No Thumbnail!";
$imgJpeg = imageCreateFromString($imgJpeg);
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
exif_thumbnail — Retrieve the embedded thumbnail of an image
= null
= null
= null
exif_thumbnail() reads the embedded thumbnail of an image.
If you want to deliver thumbnails through this function, you should send the mimetype information using the header() function.
It is possible that exif_thumbnail() cannot create an
image but can determine its size. In this case, the return value is
but width
and height
are set.
The location of the image file. This can either be a path to the file or a stream resource.
The return width of the returned thumbnail.
The returned height of the returned thumbnail.
The returned image type of the returned thumbnail. This is either TIFF or JPEG.
Version | Description |
7.2.0 |
The file parameter now supports both local files
and stream resources.
Example #1 exif_thumbnail() example
$image = exif_thumbnail('/path/to/image.jpg', $width, $height, $type);
if ($image!==false) {
header('Content-type: ' .image_type_to_mime_type($type));
echo $image;
} else {
// no thumbnail available, handle the error here
echo 'No thumbnail available';
If the
is used to pass a stream to this function, then the stream must be seekable. Note that the file pointer position is not changed after this function returns.
This will allow you to manipulate the thumbnail image ($imgJpeg) using the various gd commands:
if (($imgJpeg = exif_thumbnail($strImagePath)) === false)
print "No Thumbnail!";
$imgJpeg = imageCreateFromString($imgJpeg);
If you've edited the image with image editing software and it no longer contains an exif thumbnail, I've created a script that will add one back into it, using the "PHP Exif Library":
$fullpath = 'images/DSC_0013c.JPG'; # path of source image (does not contain an exif thumbnail)
$jpeg = new PelJpeg($fullpath);
$exif = $jpeg->getExif();
$tiff = $exif->getTiff();
$ifd0 = $tiff->getIfd(); # need this so that we can later link it to the new IFD
$ifd1 = $ifd0->getNextIfd();
if (!$ifd1) { # Only create thumbnail if one doesn't exist (i.e. there is no IFD1)
$ifd1 = new PelIfd(1);
$ifd0->setNextIfd($ifd1); # point ifd0 to the new ifd1 (or else ifd1 will not be read)
$original = ImageCreateFromString($jpeg->getBytes()); # create image resource of original
$wmax = 160;
$hmax = 120;
if ($orig_w>$wmax || $orig_h>$hmax) {
if ($thumb_w/$orig_w*$orig_h>$thumb_h)
$thumb_w=round($thumb_h*$orig_w/$orig_h); # maintain aspect ratio
else { # only set the thumb's size if the original is larger than 'wmax'x'hmax'
# create image resource with thumbnail sizing
## Resize original and copy to the blank thumb resource
# start writing output to buffer
# outputs thumb resource contents to buffer
# create PelDataWindow from buffer thumb contents (and end output to buffer)
$window = new PelDataWindow(ob_get_clean());
if ($window) {
$ifd1->setThumbnail($window); # set window data as thumbnail in ifd1
$outpath = $fullpath; # overwrite original jpg file
file_put_contents($outpath, $jpeg->getBytes()); # write everything to output filename
# Show thumbnail in file:
echo '<img src="thumb_exif.php?image='.$outpath.'" border=0 alt="If you see this, it did not work"><br>';
else {
echo 'ifd1 already exists! (IFD1 is where the thumbnail is stored)<br>';
<?php # This is the code in thumb_exif.php :
$imgdat = exif_thumbnail($_REQUEST['image'], $width, $height, $type);
header('Content-type: ' . image_type_to_mime_type($type));
If you have a lot of such files, you can easily make a script that searches them out and adds thumbnails to their exif.
use this if you want to embed a thumbnail directly on the HTML page without writing it first to a file:
$image = exif_thumbnail($file, $width, $height, $type);
echo "<img width='$width' height='$height' src='data:image/gif;base64,".base64_encode($image)."'>";
If you want to convert from TIFF to JPG you can use ImageMagick if it is installed in your server.
$exec = 'convert /path/to/file.tiff /path/to/file.jpg 2>&1';
@exec($exec, $exec_output, $exec_retval);
//possible error
Great that the thumbnail can be in TIFF format (f.i. Kodak cameras have embedded thumbnail in TIFF) BUT I have not been able to show TIFF as an embedded image in HTML (using the <IMG...> tag). There seems to be no function in PHP to change TIFF to, lets say, JPG. (imagecreatefromstring gives a 'unknown datatype' error for the TIFF stream. So below sample works great for JPEG embedded thumbnail, but not for TIFF embedded (but then, maybe I did something wrong?):
echo("<B>". $image. "</B>:<BR><BR>\n");
$exif = exif_read_data($image, 'ANY_TAG',true);
if (!$exif===false)
echo("Image contains headers<br><br>");
echo("<A href=showthumb.php?image=" . $image ."> <IMG border=0 src=showthumb.php?image=" . $image ."></A><BR><BR>");
foreach ($exif as $key => $section)
foreach ($section as $name => $val)
echo "$key.$name: $val<br>\n";
echo("Sorry, image <B>".$image . "</B> does not contain (readable) EXIF data.");
$imgdat = exif_thumbnail($_REQUEST['image'],$width, $height, $type);
header('Content-type: ' . image_type_to_mime_type($type));
When clicking on the <A> opens the TIFF image in the program that windows assigned to this type, but the JPEG opens in the browser.
I am using PHP 4.3.6 on windows iis 4 (yeah, I know.....)