
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

apache_lookup_uriRealiza una petición parcial por la URI especificada y devuelve toda la información sobre ella


apache_lookup_uri(string $filename): object

Esta función realiza una petición parcial por una URI. Por si sola no es suficiente para obtener toda la información importante del recurso dado.

Esta función está soportada sólo cuando PHP está instalado como un módulo de Apache.



El nombre de archivo (URI) que está siendo solicitado.

Valores devueltos

Un object con información de la URI solicitada. Las propiedades de este object son:

  • status
  • the_request
  • status_line
  • method
  • content_type
  • handler
  • uri
  • filename
  • path_info
  • args
  • boundary
  • no_cache
  • no_local_copy
  • allowed
  • send_bodyct
  • bytes_sent
  • byterange
  • clength
  • unparsed_uri
  • mtime
  • request_time


Ejemplo #1 apache_lookup_uri() example

= apache_lookup_uri('index.php?var=value');

if (
file_exists($info->filename)) {
'file exists!';

El resultado del ejemplo sería algo similar a:

stdClass Object
    [status] => 200
    [the_request] => GET /dir/file.php HTTP/1.1
    [method] => GET
    [mtime] => 0
    [clength] => 0
    [chunked] => 0
    [content_type] => application/x-httpd-php
    [no_cache] => 0
    [no_local_copy] => 1
    [unparsed_uri] => /dir/index.php?var=value
    [uri] => /dir/index.php
    [filename] => /home/htdocs/dir/index.php
    [args] => var=value
    [allowed] => 0
    [sent_bodyct] => 0
    [bytes_sent] => 0
    [request_time] => 1074282764
file exists!

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

17 years ago
bug: with apache 2, apache_lookup_uri("/directory") spits out a warning and fails to return anything. apache_lookup_uri("/directory/") works.

another bug: virtual("something") forces a header flush. I know it's documented, but it would be rather wonderful if it didn't do this. You never ever want to flush headers when you're using virtual() to include a dynamic file such as a PHP or Perl file, which excludes virtual() from being used on most of any website's contents :-(.
niels dot kootstra at gmail dot com
17 years ago
It's a very usefull function but it doesn't show all outputs. For example I only see:
redbeard at mdjohnson dot nospam dot us
21 years ago
A useful feature is that if you have content negotiation on (Options MultiViews) Apache will resolve the negotiation for you if possible. Thus www.example.com/blah will resolve to /base/blah.php or /base/blah.html or even /base/blah.en.html as appropriate.
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