There's no need to include your own API code to natsort an associative array by key. PHP's in-built functions (other than natsort) can do the job just fine:
uksort($myArray, "strnatcmp");
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
natsort — Ordena un array usando un algoritmo de "orden natural"
Esta función implementa un algoritmo de ordenación que ordena las cadenas alfanuméricas en la manera en que lo haría un humano mientras mantiene las asociaciones de clave/valor. Es descrito como "ordenación natural". Un ejemplo de la diferencia entre este algoritmo y los algoritmos de ordenación normales de computadora (usados en sort()) se puede ver en el ejemplo de abajo.
Si dos miembros se comparan como iguales, ellos mantendrán su orden original. Antes de PHP 8.0.0, su orden relativo en un array ordenado era indefinido.
El array de entrada.
Versión | Descripción |
5.2.10 | Las cadenas numéricas rellenadas con ceros (p.ej., '00005') ahora ignoran el relleno de 0. |
Ejemplo #1 Ejemplos de natsort() demostrando su uso básico
$array1 = $array2 = array("img12.png", "img10.png", "img2.png", "img1.png");
echo "Ordenación estándar\n";
echo "\nOrdenación de orden natural\n";
El resultado del ejemplo sería:
Ordenación estándar Array ( [3] => img1.png [1] => img10.png [0] => img12.png [2] => img2.png ) Ordenación de orden natural Array ( [3] => img1.png [2] => img2.png [1] => img10.png [0] => img12.png )
Para más información véase: la página de Martin Pool » Natural Order String Comparison.
Ejemplo #2 Ejemplos de natsort() demostrando trampas potenciales
echo "Números negativos\n";
$negativo = array('-5','3','-2','0','-1000','9','1');
echo "Relleno de ceros\n";
$ceros = array('09', '8', '10', '009', '011', '0');
El resultado del ejemplo sería:
Números negativos Array ( [0] => -5 [1] => 3 [2] => -2 [3] => 0 [4] => -1000 [5] => 9 [6] => 1 ) Array ( [2] => -2 [0] => -5 [4] => -1000 [3] => 0 [6] => 1 [1] => 3 [5] => 9 ) Relleno de ceros Array ( [0] => 09 [1] => 8 [2] => 10 [3] => 009 [4] => 011 [5] => 0 ) Array ( [5] => 0 [1] => 8 [3] => 009 [0] => 09 [2] => 10 [4] => 011 )
There's no need to include your own API code to natsort an associative array by key. PHP's in-built functions (other than natsort) can do the job just fine:
uksort($myArray, "strnatcmp");
Be careful of the new behaviour in 5.2.10 version.
See the following sample:
$array = array('1 bis', '10 ter', '0 PHP', '0', '01', '01 Ver', '0 ', '1 ', '1');
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
5.2.6-1 will output:
[3] => 0
[6] => 0
[2] => 0 OP
[4] => 01
[5] => 01 Ver
[8] => 1
[7] => 1
[0] => 1 bis
[1] => 10 ter
5.2.10 will output:
[6] => 0
[3] => 0
[8] => 1
[4] => 01
[7] => 1
[5] => 01 Ver
[0] => 1 bis
[1] => 10 ter
[2] => 0 OP
About the reverse natsort.. Maybe simpler to do :
function strrnatcmp ($a, $b) {
return strnatcmp ($b, $a);
Under limited testing, natsort() appears to work well for IP addresses. For my needs, it is far less code than the ip2long()/long2ip() conversion I was using before.
To make a reverse function, you can simply:
function rnatsort(&$a){
$a = array_reverse($a, true);
For those who want to natsort a 2d-array on the first element of each sub-array, the following few lines should do the job.
function natsort2d(&$aryInput) {
$aryTemp = $aryOut = array();
foreach ($aryInput as $key=>$value) {
foreach ($aryTemp as $key=>$value) {
$aryOut[] = $aryInput[$key];
$aryInput = $aryOut;
Reverse Natsort:
function rnatsort($a, $b) {
return -1 * strnatcmp($a, $b);
usort($arr, "rnatsort");
Note: negatives number.
$a = array(-5,-2,3,9);
Will output:
Array ( [1] => -2 [0] => -5 [2] => 3 [3] => 9 )
I got caught out through naive use of this feature - attempting to sort a list of image filenames from a digital camera, where the filenames are leading zero padded (e.g. DSCF0120.jpg) , will not sort correctly.
Maybe the example could be modified to exhibit this behaviour
(e.g. set array to -img0120.jpg','IMG0.png', 'img0012.png', 'img10.png', 'img2.png', 'img1.png', 'IMG3.png)
If the example hadn't used images I would have coded it correctly first time around!
additional to the code posted by justin at redwiredesign dot com (which I found very usefull) here is a function that sorts complex arrays like this:
$array['test0'] = array('main' => 'a', 'sub' => 'a');
$array['test2'] = array('main' => 'a', 'sub' => 'b');
$array['test3'] = array('main' => 'b', 'sub' => 'c');
$array['test1'] = array('main' => 'a', 'sub' => 'c');
$array['test4'] = array('main' => 'b', 'sub' => 'a');
$array['test5'] = array('main' => 'b', 'sub' => 'b');
$array[0] = array('main' => 1, 'sub' => 1);
$array[2] = array('main' => 1, 'sub' => 2);
$array[3] = array('main' => 2, 'sub' => 3);
$array[1] = array('main' => 1, 'sub' => 3);
$array[4] = array('main' => 2, 'sub' => 1);
$array[5] = array('main' => 2, 'sub' => 2);
on one or more columns.
the code
<? $array = array_natsort_list($array,'main','sub'); ?>
will result in $array being sortet like this:
you may even submit more values to the function as it uses a variable parameter list. the function starts sorting on the last and the goes on until the first sorting column is reached.
to me it was very usefull for sorting a menu having submenus and even sub-submenus.
i hope it might help you too.
here is the function:
function array_natsort_list($array) {
// for all arguments without the first starting at end of list
for ($i=func_num_args();$i>1;$i--) {
// get column to sort by
$sort_by = func_get_arg($i-1);
// clear arrays
$new_array = array();
$temporary_array = array();
// walk through original array
foreach($array as $original_key => $original_value) {
// and save only values
$temporary_array[] = $original_value[$sort_by];
// sort array on values
// delete double values
$temporary_array = array_unique($temporary_array);
// walk through temporary array
foreach($temporary_array as $temporary_value) {
// walk through original array
foreach($array as $original_key => $original_value) {
// and search for entries having the right value
if($temporary_value == $original_value[$sort_by]) {
// save in new array
$new_array[$original_key] = $original_value;
// update original array
$array = $new_array;
return $array;
This made me waste a lot of my precious youth ... natsort() is buggy if all numbers don't have the same number of decimal places.
(php 5.6.4-4ubuntu6.2)
$different_decimal_places_in_values = array('D'=>'13.59', '14.6' => '14.6', 'C-' => '14.19');
array(3) {
'D' =>
string(5) "13.59"
'14.6' =>
string(4) "14.6" <----------- badly ordered
'C-' =>
string(5) "14.19"
While this
$same_num_decimal_places_in_values = array('D'=>'13.59', '14.6' => '14.60', 'C-' => '14.19'); natsort($a); var_dump($a);
array(3) {
'D' =>
string(5) "13.59"
'C-' =>
string(5) "14.19"
'14.6' =>
string(5) "14.60" <--------- that is the correct position
there is another rnatsort function lower on the page, but it didn't work in the context i needed it in.
reasoning for this:
sorting naturally via the keys of an array, but needing to reverse the order.
function rnatsort ( &$array = array() )
$keys = array_keys($array);
$total = count($keys) - 1;
$temp1 = array();
$temp2 = array();
// assigning original keys to an array with a backwards set of keys, to use in krsort();
foreach ( $keys as $key )
$temp1[$total] = $key;
// setting the new array, with the order from the krsort() and the values of original array.
foreach ( $temp1 as $key )
$temp2[$key] = $array[$key];
$array = $temp2;
This function can be very usefull, but in some cases, like if you want to sort a MySQL query result, it's important to keep in mind that MySQL as built'in sorting functions which are way faster than resorting the result using a complex php algorythm, especially with large arrays.
ex; 'SELECT * FROM `table` ORDER BY columnName ASC, columnName2 DESC'
$array1 = $array2 = array('IMG0.png', 'img12.png', 'img10.png', 'img2.png', 'img1.png', 'IMG3.png');
echo "\n natsort(); \n";
sort($array2, SORT_NATURAL);
echo "\n sort() with SORT_NATURAL Option\n";
[0] => IMG0.png
[5] => IMG3.png
[4] => img1.png
[3] => img2.png
[2] => img10.png
[1] => img12.png
sort() with SORT_NATURAL Option
[0] => IMG0.png
[1] => IMG3.png
[2] => img1.png
[3] => img2.png
[4] => img10.png
[5] => img12.png
as we can see it's the same values but not the same keys, and also it's same for sort($array1, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); and natcasesort($array2)
As noted in other notes, natsort() does _not_ always return the expected sort order. It seems especially buggy when decimals or 0 padding is used. I've filed this bug report on the issue:
To naturally sort by array key, the uksort function can be used.
echo "Sort by keys\n";
$smoothie = array('orange' => 1, 'apple' => 1, 'yogurt' => 4, 'banana' => 4);
uksort( $smoothie, 'strnatcmp');
Sort by keys
[orange] => 1
[apple] => 1
[yogurt] => 4
[banana] => 4
[apple] => 1
[banana] => 4
[orange] => 1
[yogurt] => 4
See for more information about uksort and for usage of strnatcmp.
Here's a handy function to sort an array on 1 or more columns using natural sort:
// Example: $records = columnSort($records, array('name', 'asc', 'addres', 'desc', 'city', 'asc'));
$globalMultisortVar = array();
function columnSort($recs, $cols) {
global $globalMultisortVar;
$globalMultisortVar = $cols;
usort($recs, 'multiStrnatcmp');
function multiStrnatcmp($a, $b) {
global $globalMultisortVar;
$cols = $globalMultisortVar;
$i = 0;
$result = 0;
while ($result == 0 && $i < count($cols)) {
$result = ($cols[$i + 1] == 'desc' ? strnatcmp($b[$cols[$i]], $a[$cols[$i]]) : $result = strnatcmp($a[$cols[$i]], $b[$cols[$i]]));
return $result;
- John
There's one little thing missing in this useful bit of code posted by mbirth at webwriters dot de:
function natsort2d(&$aryInput) {
$aryTemp = $aryOut = array();
foreach ($aryInput as $key=>$value) {
foreach ($aryTemp as $key=>$value) {
$aryOut[$key] = $aryInput[$key];
// --------^^^^ add this if you want your keys preserved!
$aryInput = $aryOut;