The ReflectionEnum class

(PHP 8 >= 8.1.0)


The ReflectionEnum class reports information about an Enum.

Sommario della classe

class ReflectionEnum extends ReflectionClass {
/* Costanti ereditate */
/* Proprietà ereditate */
public string $name;
/* Metodi */
public __construct(object|string $objectOrClass)
public getCases(): array
public hasCase(string $name): bool
public isBacked(): bool
/* Metodi ereditati */
public static ReflectionClass::export(mixed $argument, bool $return = false): string
public ReflectionClass::getAttributes(?string $name = null, int $flags = 0): array
public ReflectionClass::newLazyGhost(callable $initializer, int $options = 0): object
public ReflectionClass::newLazyProxy(callable $factory, int $options = 0): object
public ReflectionClass::resetAsLazyGhost(object $object, callable $initializer, int $options = 0): void
public ReflectionClass::resetAsLazyProxy(object $object, callable $factory, int $options = 0): void

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