
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

ftp_renameRinomina un file sul server FTP


ftp_rename(resource $ftp_stream, string $from, string $to): bool

ftp_rename() rinomina il file o la directory il cui nome corrente e' from con il nome to, utilizzando lo stream FTP ftp_stream.

Example #1 Esempio di funzione ftp_rename()

= 'somefile.txt.bak';
$new_file = 'somefile.txt';

// stabilisce la connessione
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);

// si collega con username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);

// prova a cambiare il nome $old_file nel nome $new_file
if (ftp_rename($conn_id, $old_file, $new_file)) {
"cambiamento nome da $old_file a $new_file effettuato\n";
} else {
"Si e' verificato un problema durante il cambiamento di nome da $old_file a $new_file\n";

// chiude la connessione

Restituisce true in caso di successo, false in caso di fallimento.

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

Hazem dot Khaled at gmail dot com
18 years ago
to rename the file or folder you should use ftp_chdir to select the current directory on ftp server or you should write the full path to file in old name and in new name

Ex. 1
// open the folder that have the file
ftp_chdir($conn_id, '/www/ftp-filemanager/');

// rename the file
ftp_rename($conn_id, 'file1.jpg', 'new_name_4_file.jpg');

or write full path Ex. 2
// rename the file
ftp_rename($conn_id, '/www/ftp-filemanager/file1.jpg', '/www/ftp-filemanager/new_name_4_file.jpg');
Hugo locobyte at hotmail dot NO_SPAM dot com
22 years ago
Using "ftp_rename" to move files to other directories on server ftp
if(ftp_rename($conn_ftp, $xfiles[$i], "./dirx/".$xfiles[$i])) {
echo "File $xfiles[$i] moved to ./dirx";
} else {
echo "ERROR!!!. The file could not be moved";
#-->>h2m, bye
alishahnovin at hotmail dot com
17 years ago
You want to make sure you check the existence of the new name before renaming files, because otherwise you could risk losing files. Just do a simple check with ftp_size with the new name. If it's !=-1, you're going to want to throw some kind of error, otherwise you'll be losing a file...
aventaria at hotmxxx dot com
18 years ago
This function isn't only able to rename files, but also folders. And it is not only able to rename them, but also move them, and, in the case of folders, their contents as well (so folders don't have to be empty to move). For example:

($conn_id, "./dir1/dir2/", "./dir3/");

Now the folder dir2 (which prevously was in folder dir1) has moved to the same folder as dir1, and it has kept its original contents (the content just moved along).
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