Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(PECL geoip >= 1.1.0)

geoip_domain_by_nameGet the second level domain name


geoip_domain_by_name(string $hostname): string

The geoip_domain_by_name() function will return the second level domain names associated with a hostname or an IP address.

This function is currently only available to users who have bought a commercial GeoIP Domain Edition. A warning will be issued if the proper database cannot be located.

Elenco dei parametri


The hostname or IP address.

Valori restituiti

Returns the domain name on success, or false if the address cannot be found in the database.


Example #1 A geoip_domain_by_name() example

This will output the domain associated with IP

= geoip_domain_by_name('');

if (
$domain) {
'The domain is: '. $domain;


Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:

The domain is: von.co.kr

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