
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

odbc_close_allChiude tutte le connessioni ODBC


odbc_close_all(): void

La funzione odbc_close_all() chiude tutte le connessioni aperte con il database server

Nota: Se ci sono delle transazioni aperte sulla connessione richiesta, la funzione fallisce. In questo caso la connessione resta aperta.

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

alvaro at demogracia dot com
16 years ago
Apparently, it doesn't really close *all* connections; just those used by the current script.

If you are using persistent connections, every time a script does an odbc_pconnect() and all open connections are in use you'll get a new connection with the same credentials. You won't close them all with odbc_close_all().
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