(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)
pg_set_chunked_rows_size — Set the query results to be retrieved in chunk mode
Set the query results to be retrieved in chunk mode.
The query results returned afterward will be divided into multiple chunks,
each containing up to size
This function must be called before retrieving results with pg_get_result().
This function is only available when libpq is version 17 or higher.
An PgSql\Connection instance.
If size
is less than 1
a ValueError will be thrown.
Example #1 pg_result_memory_size() example
$conn = pg_connect($conn_str);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) {
pg_query($conn, "INSERT INTO users DEFAULT VALUES");
pg_send_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM users");
pg_set_chunked_rows_size($conn, 1);
$result = pg_get_result($conn);
// No effect after the result is retrieved
var_dump(pg_set_chunked_rows_size($conn, 10));
Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:
int(1) bool(false)