PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PECL win32service >=1.1.0)

win32_read_right_access_serviceRead the service rights access for an username


win32_read_right_access_service(string $servicename, string $username, string $machine = null): Win32Service\RightInfo

Read the rights access for username on servicename service. Administrative privileges are required for this to succeed.

Elenco dei parametri


The service name to read rights access.


Read the rights access for username


The optional machine name on which you want to create a service. If omitted, it will use the local machine.

Valori restituiti

Return a Win32Service\RightInfo object.


A ValueError is thrown if the value of service parameter is empty.

A ValueError is thrown if the value of username parameter is empty.

A Win32ServiceException is thrown on error.

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