PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PECL gearman >= 0.5.0)

GearmanClient::addTaskLowBackgroundAdd a low priority background task to be run in parallel


public GearmanClient::addTaskLowBackground(
    string $function_name,
    string|int|float $workload,
    mixed $context = null,
    ?string $unique_key = null
): GearmanTask|false

Adds a low priority background task to be run in parallel with other tasks. Call this method for all the tasks to be run in parallel, then call GearmanClient::runTasks() to perform the work. Tasks with a low priority will be selected from the queue after those of normal or high priority.

Elenco dei parametri


La funzione che il worker deve eseguire


I dati serializzati da processare


Contesto applicativo da associare con un task


Un ID unico che identifica un particolare task

Valori restituiti

A GearmanTask object or false if the task could not be added.

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