/* Create new imagick object */
$im = new Imagick();
/* create red, green and blue images */
$im->newImage(100, 50, "red");
$im->newImage(100, 50, "green");
$im->newImage(100, 50, "blue");
/* Append the images into one */
$combined = $im->appendImages(true);
/* Save the intermediate image for comparison */
/* The target pixel to paint */
$x = 1;
$y = 1;
/* Get the color we are painting */
$target = $combined->getImagePixelColor($x, $y);
/* Paints pixel in position 1,1 black and all neighboring
pixels that match the target color */
$combined->floodfillPaintImage("black", 1, $target, $x, $y, false);
/* Save the result */
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