PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

OCILob::loadReturns large object's contents


public OCILob::load(): string|false

Returns large object's contents. As script execution is terminated when the memory_limit is reached, ensure that the LOB does not exceed this limit. In most cases it's recommended to use OCILob::read instead.

Elenco dei parametri

Questa funzione non contiene parametri.

Valori restituiti

Returns the contents of the object, or false on errors.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.0.0, PECL OCI8 3.0.0 The OCI-Lob class was renamed to OCILob to align with PHP naming standards.

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