
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

SplFileObject::fgetcsvGets line from file and parse as CSV fields


public SplFileObject::fgetcsv(string $separator = ",", string $enclosure = "\"", string $escape = "\\"): array|false

Gets a line from the file which is in CSV format and returns an array containing the fields read.

Nota: Le impostazioni locali vengono prese in considerazione da questa funzione. Ad esempio, i dati codificati in determinati formati a byte singolo potrebbero essere analizzati in modo errato se LC_CTYPE è impostato su en_US.UTF-8.

Elenco dei parametri


The field delimiter (one single-byte character only). By default , or the value set by a prior call to SplFileObject::setCsvControl().


The field enclosure character (one single-byte character only). By default " or the value set by a prior call to SplFileObject::setCsvControl().


The escape character (at most one single-byte character). By default \ or the value set by a prior call to SplFileObject::setCsvControl(). An empty string ("") disables the proprietary escape mechanism.

Nota: Usually an enclosure character is escaped inside a field by doubling it; however, the escape character can be used as an alternative. So for the default parameter values "" and \" have the same meaning. Other than allowing to escape the enclosure character the escape character has no special meaning; it isn't even meant to escape itself.


As of PHP 8.4.0, depending on the default value of escape is deprecated. It needs to be provided explicitly either positionally or by the use of Named Arguments, or by a call to SplFileObject::setCsvControl().


When escape is set to anything other than an empty string ("") it can result in CSV that is not compliant with » RFC 4180 or unable to survive a roundtrip through the PHP CSV functions. The default for escape is "\\" so it is recommended to set it to the empty string explicitly. The default value will change in a future version of PHP, no earlier than PHP 9.0.

Valori restituiti

Returns an indexed array containing the fields read, or false on error.


A blank line in a CSV file will be returned as an array comprising a single null field unless using SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY | SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE, in which case empty lines are skipped.


Genera un ValueError se separator o enclosure non sono lunghi un byte.

Genera un ValueError se escape non è lungo un byte o è una stringa vuota.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
8.4.0 L'affidamento sul valore predefinito di escape è ora deprecato.
7.4.0 The escape parameter now also accepts an empty string to disable the proprietary escape mechanism.


Example #1 SplFileObject::fgetcsv() example

= new SplFileObject("data.csv");
while (!
$file->eof()) {

Example #2 SplFileObject::READ_CSV example

= new SplFileObject("animals.csv");
foreach (
$file as $row) {
$animal, $class, $legs) = $row;
printf("A %s is a %s with %d legs\n", $animal, $class, $legs);

Contents of animals.csv


Il precedente esempio visualizzerà qualcosa simile a:

A crocodile is a reptile with 4 legs
A dolphin is a mammal with 0 legs
A duck is a bird with 2 legs
A koala is a mammal with 4 legs
A salmon is a fish with 0 legs

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User Contributed Notes 6 notes

android991 at gmail dot com
6 years ago
Be aware.
There is bug 46569 persists that breaks usage of SplFileObject::fgetcsv() after SplFileObject::seek()-ing to a non-zero position and then returns the contents of wrong line - off by one
= new SplFileObject('foo/bar.csv');
print_r($file->fgetcsv()); // reads 3rd line against 2nd
v-fpiris at teknober dot com
13 years ago
after setting the delimiter '\t' fgetcsv() truncates the value when it is empty string


= new SplFileObject($path);
while (
$file->valid()) {
$line = $file->fgets();
$line = explode("\t", $line);

6 years ago
If your CSV doesn't have enclosures, you can face an issue with default " identified as enclosure in data. Empty $enclosure is not allowed, but you can use same $enclosure as $delimiter (\n by default) to emulate empty enclosure.
vaughn dot clayton+php at servicetrade dot com
12 years ago
Note that due to bugs 55807 and 61032, introduced in 5.3.8, if the csv in example #2 has a newline character at the end of each line, the foreach will execute 6 times.

The last time through the loop $row will be bool(false). This is true even if using SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY and SplFileObject::DROP_NEW_LINE.

Until the bug is fixed, the workaround is to also add SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD to your setFlags() call.
3 years ago
Not that this may return NULL instead of FALSE depending on the given SplFileObject flags in versions prior to PHP 8.1.

Change: https://github.com/php/php-src/commit/188b1d4c7c7b3482584e248522d94e06ba616a1c

Testcase: https://3v4l.org/6dQTT
5 years ago
Also while the enclosure character cannot be NULL you can set it to ASCII NUL character chr(0) with the same practical effect.
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