(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)
SplObjectStorage::seek — Seeks iterator to a position
Seeks to a given position in the iterator.
Nessun valore viene restituito.
Throws an OutOfBoundsException
if the offset
is not seekable.
Example #1 SplObjectStorage::seek() example
Seeks to item position 2 in the iterator.
class Test {
public function __construct(public string $marker) {}
$a = new Test("a");
$b = new Test("b");
$c = new Test("c");
$storage = new SplObjectStorage();
$storage[$a] = "first";
$storage[$b] = "second";
$storage[$c] = "third";
Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:
int(2) object(Test)#3 (1) { ["marker"]=> string(1) "c" }