Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(Yaf >=1.0.0)

Yaf_Route_Static::routeRoute a request


public Yaf_Route_Static::route(Yaf_Request_Abstract $request): bool


Questa funzione, al momento non è documentata; è disponibile soltanto la lista degli argomenti.

Elenco dei parametri


Valori restituiti

always be true


Example #1 Yaf_Route_Static::route()example

// assuming there is only one module defined:Index
Request: http://yourdomain.com/a/b
=> module = index, controller=a, action=b

//assuming ap.action_prefer = On
Request: http://yourdomain.com/b
=> module = default(index), controller = default(index), action = b

//assuming ap.action_prefer = Off
Request: http://yourdomain.com/b
=> module = default(index), controller = b, action = default(index)

Request: http://yourdomain.com/a/b/foo/bar/test/a/id/4
=> module = default(index), controller = a, action = b, request parameters: foo = bar, test = a, id = 4

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