Underscores in the string will result in false, so you have to remove them first.
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
ctype_upper — 大文字かどうか調べる
大文字だった場合に true
、そうでない場合に false
空文字列を渡して呼び出した場合、結果は常に false
例1 ctype_upper() の例(デフォルトのロケールを利用)
$strings = array('AKLWC139', 'LMNSDO', 'akwSKWsm');
foreach ($strings as $testcase) {
if (ctype_upper($testcase)) {
echo "The string $testcase consists of all uppercase letters.\n";
} else {
echo "The string $testcase does not consist of all uppercase letters.\n";
The string AKLWC139 does not consist of all uppercase letters. The string LMNSDO consists of all uppercase letters. The string akwSKWsm does not consist of all uppercase letters.
Underscores in the string will result in false, so you have to remove them first.