PHP 8.4.2 Released!

The Dom\Document class

(PHP 8 >= 8.4.0)


Representa um documento HTML ou XML inteiro; serve como a raiz da árvore do documento.

This is the modern, spec-compliant equivalent of DOMDocument. It is the base class for Dom\XMLDocument and Dom\HTMLDocument.

Resumo da classe

abstract class Dom\Document extends Dom\Node implements Dom\ParentNode {
/* Constantes herdadas */
/* Propriedades */
public string $URL;
public readonly ?Dom\DocumentType $doctype;
public readonly ?Dom\Element $documentElement;
public readonly ?Dom\Element $lastElementChild;
public readonly int $childElementCount;
public readonly ?Dom\HTMLElement $head;
public string $title;
/* Propriedades herdadas */
public readonly int $nodeType;
public readonly string $nodeName;
public readonly string $baseURI;
public readonly bool $isConnected;
public readonly ?Dom\Document $ownerDocument;
public readonly ?Dom\Node $parentNode;
public readonly ?Dom\Element $parentElement;
public readonly Dom\NodeList $childNodes;
public readonly ?Dom\Node $firstChild;
public readonly ?Dom\Node $lastChild;
public readonly ?Dom\Node $previousSibling;
public readonly ?Dom\Node $nextSibling;
/* Métodos */
/* Not documented yet */
/* Métodos herdados */
/* Not documented yet */



O objeto DOMImplementation que manipula este documento.


A Declaração de Tipo de Documento associada a este documento.

Equivalent to documentURI.
The encoding of the document used for serialization. Upon parsing a document, this is set to the input encoding of that document.
Legacy alias for characterSet.
Legacy alias for characterSet.

A localização do documento ou null se indefinido.

The Dom\Element that is the document element. This evaluates to null for document without elements.

Primeiro elemento filho ou null.


Último elemento filho ou null.


O número de elementos filhos.

The first child of the html element that is either a body tag or a frameset tag. These need to be in the HTML namespace. If no element matches, this evaluates to null.
The first head element that is a child of the html element. These need to be in the HTML namespace. If no element matches, this evaluates to null.
The title of the document as set by the title element for HTML or the SVG title element for SVG. If there is no title, this evaluates to the empty string.
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