Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers


(PHP 7 >= 7.2.0, PHP 8)

ftp_mlsdReturns a list of files in the given directory


ftp_mlsd(FTP\Connection $ftp, string $directory): array|false



Uma instância de FTP\Connection.


The directory to be listed.

Valor Retornado

Returns an array of arrays with file infos from the specified directory on success or false on error.

Registro de Alterações

Versão Descrição
8.1.0 O parâmetro ftp agora espera uma instância de FTP\Connection; anteriormente, um resource era esperado.


Exemplo #1 ftp_mlsd() example


// set up basic connection
$ftp = ftp_connect($ftp_server);

// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($ftp, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);

// get contents of the current directory
$contents = ftp_mlsd($ftp, ".");

// output $contents


O exemplo acima produzirá algo semelhante a:

array(5) {
  array(8) {
    string(1) "."
    string(14) "20171212154511"
    string(7) "flcdmpe"
    string(4) "cdir"
    string(11) "811U5740002"
    string(2) "33"
    string(4) "0755"
    string(2) "33"
  array(8) {
    string(2) ".."
    string(14) "20171212154511"
    string(7) "flcdmpe"
    string(4) "pdir"
    string(11) "811U5740002"
    string(2) "33"
    string(4) "0755"
    string(2) "33"
  array(8) {
    string(11) "public_html"
    string(14) "20171211171525"
    string(7) "flcdmpe"
    string(3) "dir"
    string(11) "811U5740525"
    string(2) "33"
    string(4) "0755"
    string(2) "33"
  array(8) {
    string(10) "public_ftp"
    string(14) "20171211174536"
    string(7) "flcdmpe"
    string(3) "dir"
    string(11) "811U57405EE"
    string(2) "33"
    string(4) "0755"
    string(2) "33"
  array(8) {
    string(3) "www"
    string(14) "www"
    string(7) "flcdmpe"
    string(3) "dir"
    string(11) "811U5740780"
    string(2) "33"
    string(4) "0755"
    string(2) "33"

Veja Também

  • ftp_rawlist() - Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory
  • ftp_nlist() - Retorna uma lista de arquivos em um diretório

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User Contributed Notes 3 notes

fantastory dot net at gmail dot com
3 years ago
When running from script the function may require ftp_pasv, for swithching server to pasive mode.

If you are behind firewall ftp_mlsd will return FALSE otherwise.
andy at sarver dot pro
1 year ago
I have yet to find a resolution to this; but I notice the ftp_mlsd command is limited in the number of files it will grab at once. For me it ranged between 7,500 and 8,500 files. Seems to me there is some max duration it will query for and what you get is a function of how fast the files can be enumerated.
Frank Glck
1 year ago
sometimes it is necessary to set:

ftp_set_option($this->connection_id, FTP_USEPASVADDRESS, false)

before you set:
ftp_pasv($this->connection_id, $state)
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