PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

pg_delete Deletes records


    PgSql\Connection $connection,
    string $table_name,
    array $conditions,
    int $flags = PGSQL_DML_EXEC
): string|bool

pg_delete() deletes records from a table specified by the keys and values in conditions.

If flags is specified, pg_convert() is applied to conditions with the specified flags.

By default pg_delete() passes raw values. Values must be escaped or the PGSQL_DML_ESCAPE flag must be specified in flags. PGSQL_DML_ESCAPE quotes and escapes parameters/identifiers. Therefore, table/column names become case sensitive.

Note that neither escape nor prepared query can protect LIKE query, JSON, Array, Regex, etc. These parameters should be handled according to their contexts. i.e. Escape/validate values.

Bağımsız Değişkenler


PostgreSQL veritabanı bağlantısı özkaynağı.


Name of the table from which to delete rows.


An array whose keys are field names in the table table_name, and whose values are the values of those fields that are to be deleted.


Any number of PGSQL_CONV_FORCE_NULL, PGSQL_DML_NO_CONV, PGSQL_DML_ESCAPE, PGSQL_DML_EXEC, PGSQL_DML_ASYNC or PGSQL_DML_STRING combined. If PGSQL_DML_STRING is part of the flags then query string is returned. When PGSQL_DML_NO_CONV or PGSQL_DML_ESCAPE is set, it does not call pg_convert() internally.

Dönen Değerler

Başarı durumunda true, başarısızlık durumunda false döner. Returns string if PGSQL_DML_STRING is passed via flags.

Sürüm Bilgisi

Sürüm: Açıklama
8.1.0 bağlantı bağımsız değişkeni artık PgSql\Connection nesnesi kabul ediyor, evvelce bir özkaynak kabul ederdi.


Örnek 1 pg_delete() example

= pg_connect('dbname=foo');
// This is safe somewhat, since all values are escaped.
// However PostgreSQL supports JSON/Array. These are not
// safe by neither escape nor prepared query.
$res = pg_delete($db, 'post_log', $_POST, PG_DML_ESCAPE);
if (
$res) {
"POST data is deleted: $res\n";
} else {
"User must have sent wrong inputs\n";

Ayrıca Bakınız

  • pg_convert() - Convert associative array values into forms suitable for SQL statements

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