PHP 8.4.2 Released!

The DOMCdataSection class

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)


The DOMCdataSection class inherits from DOMText for textual representation of CData constructs.

Короткий огляд класу

class DOMCdataSection extends DOMText {
/* Успадковані константи */
/* Успадковані властивості */
public readonly string $wholeText;
public string $data;
public readonly int $length;
public readonly string $nodeName;
public readonly int $nodeType;
public readonly ?DOMNode $parentNode;
public readonly ?DOMElement $parentElement;
public readonly DOMNodeList $childNodes;
public readonly ?DOMNode $firstChild;
public readonly ?DOMNode $lastChild;
public readonly ?DOMNode $previousSibling;
public readonly ?DOMNode $nextSibling;
public readonly ?DOMNamedNodeMap $attributes;
public readonly bool $isConnected;
public readonly ?DOMDocument $ownerDocument;
public readonly ?string $namespaceURI;
public string $prefix;
public readonly ?string $localName;
public readonly ?string $baseURI;
/* Методи */
public __construct(string $data)
/* Успадковані методи */
public DOMCharacterData::deleteData(int $offset, int $count): bool
public DOMCharacterData::replaceData(int $offset, int $count, string $data): bool
public DOMNode::C14N(
    bool $exclusive = false,
    bool $withComments = false,
    ?array $xpath = null,
    ?array $nsPrefixes = null
): string|false
public DOMNode::C14NFile(
    string $uri,
    bool $exclusive = false,
    bool $withComments = false,
    ?array $xpath = null,
    ?array $nsPrefixes = null
): int|false
public DOMNode::isEqualNode(?DOMNode $otherNode): bool
public DOMNode::isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): bool
public DOMNode::isSupported(string $feature, string $version): bool


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