PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PECL ds >= 1.0.0)

Ds\Map::mapReturns the result of applying a callback to each value


public Ds\Map::map(callable $callback): Ds\Map

Returns the result of applying a callback function to each value of the map.



callback(mixed $key, mixed $value): mixed

A callable to apply to each value in the map.

The callable should return what the key will be mapped to in the resulting map.

Значення, що повертаються

The result of applying a callback to each value in the map.


The keys and values of the current instance won't be affected.


Приклад #1 Ds\Map::map() example

= new \Ds\Map(["a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3]);

print_r($map->map(function($key, $value) { return $value * 2; }));

Поданий вище приклад виведе щось схоже на:

    [0] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => a
            [value] => 2

    [1] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => b
            [value] => 4

    [2] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => c
            [value] => 6

Ds\Map Object
    [0] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => a
            [value] => 1

    [1] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => b
            [value] => 2

    [2] => Ds\Pair Object
            [key] => c
            [value] => 3

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