PHP 8.4.0 RC4 available for testing


(PECL imagick 2, PECL imagick 3)

ImagickDraw::affineAdjusts the current affine transformation matrix


public ImagickDraw::affine(array $affine): bool

Наразі ця функція не документована. Доступний лише список її параметрів.

Adjusts the current affine transformation matrix with the specified affine transformation matrix.



Affine matrix parameters

Значення, що повертаються

Не повертає значень.


Приклад #1 ImagickDraw::affine() example

function affine($strokeColor, $fillColor, $backgroundColor) {

$draw = new \ImagickDraw();



$PI = 3.141592653589794;
$angle = 60 * $PI / 360;

//Scale the drawing co-ordinates.
$affineScale = array("sx" => 1.75, "sy" => 1.75, "rx" => 0, "ry" => 0, "tx" => 0, "ty" => 0);

//Shear the drawing co-ordinates.
$affineShear = array("sx" => 1, "sy" => 1, "rx" => sin($angle), "ry" => -sin($angle), "tx" => 0, "ty" => 0);

//Rotate the drawing co-ordinates. The shear affine matrix
//produces incorrectly scaled drawings.
$affineRotate = array("sx" => cos($angle), "sy" => cos($angle), "rx" => sin($angle), "ry" => -sin($angle), "tx" => 0, "ty" => 0,);

//Translate (offset) the drawing
$affineTranslate = array("sx" => 1, "sy" => 1, "rx" => 0, "ry" => 0, "tx" => 30, "ty" => 30);

//The identiy affine matrix
$affineIdentity = array("sx" => 1, "sy" => 1, "rx" => 0, "ry" => 0, "tx" => 0, "ty" => 0);

$examples = [$affineScale, $affineShear, $affineRotate, $affineTranslate, $affineIdentity,];

$count = 0;

foreach (
$examples as $example) {
$draw->translate(($count % 2) * 250, intval($count / 2) * 250);
$draw->translate(100, 100);
$draw->rectangle(-50, -50, 50, 50);

//Create an image object which the draw commands can be rendered into
$image = new \Imagick();
$image->newImage(500, 750, $backgroundColor);

//Render the draw commands in the ImagickDraw object
//into the image.

//Send the image to the browser
header("Content-Type: image/png");


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