Dutch PHP Conference 2025 - Call For Papers

Informix Functions (PDO_INFORMIX)


PDO_INFORMIX is a driver that implements the PHP Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access from PHP to Informix databases.


To build the PDO_INFORMIX extension, the Informix Client SDK 2.81 UC1 or higher must be installed on the same system as PHP. The Informix Client SDK is available from the » IBM Informix Support Site.

PDO_INFORMIX is a » PECL extension, so follow the instructions in Встановлення розширень PECL to install the PDO_INFORMIX extension. Issue the configure command to point to the location of the Informix Client SDK header files and libraries as follows:

   bash$ ./configure --with-pdo-informix=/path/to/SDK[,shared]
The configure command defaults to the value of the INFORMIXDIR environment variable.

Scrollable cursors

PDO_INFORMIX supports scrollable cursors; however, they are not enabled by default. To enable scrollable cursor support, you must either set ENABLESCROLLABLECURSORS=1 in the corresponding ODBC connection settings in odbc.ini or pass the EnableScrollableCursors=1 clause in the DSN connection string.


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User Contributed Notes 2 notes

philipp dot hager at edaktik dot at
7 hours ago
The documented download link for the Client SDK is not correct anymore. The link leads only to SDK downloads for the complete informix database server, developer edition, etc. which are not accessible without trial or product subscription.

The informix client SDK download can be found here: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/download-informix-products
Arie De Derde
2 years ago
Informix PDO needs the INFORMIXDIR system variable available to the script running under the webserver, in my case apache 2.4.

Using setenv did not work, so I added in the systemd startup script /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service the following:


in the [Service] section.

Of course, the installation directory of your informix libraries may be different than /opt/Informix_Software_Bundle....
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