PHP Velho Oeste 2025


(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

SQLite3::changes Returns the number of database rows that were changed (or inserted or deleted) by the most recent SQL statement


public SQLite3::changes(): int

Returns the number of database rows that were changed (or inserted or deleted) by the most recent SQL statement.


У цієї функції немає параметрів.

Значення, що повертаються

Returns an int value corresponding to the number of database rows changed (or inserted or deleted) by the most recent SQL statement.


Приклад #1 SQLite3::changes() example

= new SQLite3('mysqlitedb.db');

$query = $db->exec('UPDATE counter SET views=0 WHERE page="test"');
if (
$query) {
'Number of rows modified: ', $db->changes();

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User Contributed Notes 1 note

teclado at tandex dot com
9 years ago
There is an issue that may be meant or not, but in my case is annoying. If you have have a schema like the following:

pragma foreign_key = on;
create table parent (
id integer,
a varchar,
primary key (id asc)
create table child (
id integer,
b varchar,
a integer,
primary key (id asc),
foreign key (a) references a (id) on delete cascade on update cascade

When you try to delete a parent row (delete from parent where it deletes all the childs referenced to this parent, but the method SQLite3::changes() is still returning 1, as if it only have deleted the parent.
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