(PHP 4 >=4.0.1, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)
Created by unserialize()
when trying to unserialize an undefined class
or a class that is not listed in the allowed_classes
of unserialize()'s options
Prior to PHP 7.2.0, using is_object() on the
__PHP_Incomplete_Class class would return false
As of PHP 7.2.0, true
will be returned.
This class has no default properties or methods.
When created by unserialize(),
in addition to all unserialized properties and values
the object will have a __PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name
which will contain the name of the unserialized class.
Versione | Descrizione |
8.0.0 |
This class is now final .
Example #1 Created by unserialize()
class MyClass
public string $property = "myValue";
$myObject = new MyClass;
$foo = serialize($myObject);
// unserializes all objects into __PHP_Incomplete_Class objects
$disallowed = unserialize($foo, ["allowed_classes" => false]);
// unserializes all objects into __PHP_Incomplete_Class objects except those of MyClass2 and MyClass3
$disallowed2 = unserialize($foo, ["allowed_classes" => ["MyClass2", "MyClass3"]]);
// unserializes undefined class into __PHP_Incomplete_Class object
$undefinedClass = unserialize('O:16:"MyUndefinedClass":0:{}');
Il precedente esempio visualizzerà:
object(__PHP_Incomplete_Class)#2 (2) { ["__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name"]=> string(7) "MyClass" ["property"]=> string(7) "myValue" } object(__PHP_Incomplete_Class)#3 (2) { ["__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name"]=> string(7) "MyClass" ["property"]=> string(7) "myValue" } object(__PHP_Incomplete_Class)#4 (1) { ["__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name"]=> string(16) "MyUndefinedClass" }