
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

jdtounixConverte un Giorno Giuliano in un timestamp Unix


jdtounix(int $giornogiuliano): int

Questa funzione restituisce un timestamp Unix corrispondente al Giorno Giuliano giornogiuliano o false se giornogiuliano non è all'interno della gamma Unix (anni Gregoriani tra il 1970 e il 2037 o 2440588 <= giornogiuliano <= 2465342 ). L'ora restituita è locale (e non GMT).

See also unixtojd().

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User Contributed Notes 5 notes

fabio at llgp dot org
18 years ago
If you need an easy way to convert a decimal julian day to an unix timestamp you can use:

$unixTimeStamp = ($julianDay - 2440587.5) * 86400;

2440587.5 is the julian day at 1/1/1970 0:00 UTC
86400 is the number of seconds in a day
20 years ago
Warning: the calender functions involving julian day operations seem to ignore the decimal part of the julian day count.

This means that the returned date is wrong 50% of the time, since a julian day starts at decimal .5 . Take care!!
seb at carbonauts dot com
21 years ago
Remember that unixtojd() assumes your timestamp is in GMT, but jdtounix() returns a timestamp in localtime.

This fooled me a few times.

So if you have:

$timestamp1 = time();
$timestamp2 = jdtounix(unixtojd($timestamp1));

Unless your localtime is the same as GMT, $timestamp1 will not equal $timestamp2.
pipian at pipian dot com
21 years ago
Remember that UNIX timestamps indicate a number of seconds from midnight of January 1, 1970 on the Gregorian calendar, not the Julian Calendar.
Saeed Hubaishan
10 years ago
unixtojd() assumes that your timestamp is in GMT, but jdtounix() returns a timestamp in localtime.
$d2= gmdate("m/d/Y");
$d1 always equals $d2 but $d1 may differ from $d3
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