PHP 8.4.0 RC4 available for testing


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

strcasecmpComparaison insensible à la casse de chaînes binaires


strcasecmp(string $string1, string $string2): int

Comparaison insensible à la casse de chaînes binaires. La comparaison ne tient pas compte des paramètres régionaux; seules les lettres ASCII sont comparées de manière insensible à la casse.

Liste de paramètres


La première chaîne.


La seconde chaîne.

Valeurs de retour

Retourne -1 si string1 est inférieure à string2; 1 si string1 est plus grande que string2, et 0 si les deux chaînes sont égales.


Version Description
8.2.0 Cette fonction retourne désormais -1 ou 1, alors qu'auparavant elle renvoyait un nombre négatif ou positif.


Exemple #1 Exemple avec strcasecmp()

= "Hello";
$var2 = "hello";
if (
strcasecmp($var1, $var2) == 0) {
'$var1 est égale à $var2 (comparaison insensible à la casse)';

Voir aussi

  • strcmp() - Comparaison binaire de chaînes
  • preg_match() - Effectue une recherche de correspondance avec une expression rationnelle standard
  • substr_compare() - Compare deux chaînes depuis un offset jusqu'à une longueur en caractères
  • strncasecmp() - Compare en binaire des chaînes de caractères
  • stristr() - Version insensible à la casse de strstr
  • substr() - Retourne un segment de chaîne

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User Contributed Notes 4 notes

chris at cmbuckley dot co dot uk
12 years ago
A simple multibyte-safe case-insensitive string comparison:


function mb_strcasecmp($str1, $str2, $encoding = null) {
if (
null === $encoding) { $encoding = mb_internal_encoding(); }
strcmp(mb_strtoupper($str1, $encoding), mb_strtoupper($str2, $encoding));


Caveat: watch out for edge cases like "ß".
22 years ago
The sample above is only true on some platforms that only use a simple 'C' locale, where individual bytes are considered as complete characters that are converted to lowercase before being differentiated.

Other locales (see LC_COLLATE and LC_ALL) use the difference of collation order of characters, where characters may be groups of bytes taken from the input strings, or simply return -1, 0, or 1 as the collation order is not simply defined by comparing individual characters but by more complex rules.

Don't base your code on a specific non null value returned by strcmp() or strcasecmp(): it is not portable. Just consider the sign of the result and be sure to use the correct locale!
alvaro at demogracia dot com
14 years ago
Don't forget this is a single-byte function: in Unicode strings it'll provide incoherent results as soon as both strings differ only in case. There doesn't seem to exist a built-in multi-byte alternative so you need to write your own, taking into account both character encoding and collation.
chrislarham at NOSPAM dot outlook dot com
6 years ago
I didn't see any explanation in the documentation as to precisely how the positive/negative return values are calculated for unequal strings.

After a bit of experimentation it appears that it's the difference in alphabetical position of the first character in unequal strings.

For example, the letter 'z' is the 26th letter while the letter 'a' is the 1st letter:


= "zappl";
$apple = "apple";

strcasecmp($zappl, $apple); #outputs 25 [26 - 1]
echo strcasecmp($apple, $zappl); #outputs -25 [1 - 26]


This might be incredibly obvious to most people, but hopefully it will clarify the calculation process for some others.
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